Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Giant bunnies and such

Dear Brothers,
I thought it would be appropriate for my first photo on the blog to be of breasts. The word "breasts' in Italian is i seni, which (as Ben knows) is masculine. Ironic. Anyways, this is one of my five sculptures that I completed for my first assignment in class. It is made entirely out of wax with some plaster/fiber glass shredding on the front. I have now discovered a fabulous love and hate for wax. Continuing on the art trend, I have a bunch of shows this spring (hopefully) and I'm also applying for an Independent Study and Grant for next fall.
Not much is really going on here. I'm a little bit nervous about writing because I have nothing truly eloquent to say. I'll try to scan some more art and photos to put up though. The newspaper thing is turning out well and I'm enjoying it a lot more than I expected to. The next one comes out tomorrow (eek I hope my photos were good!) so I will try to send you both some copies. For now I must away, but I will leave you with this....


Benjamin Wilkins said...

How can he hug that beast? I bet right after the picture it ate him and the camera man and now is having fights with King Kong and Godzilla over Tokyo.

Brian Wilkins said...

He's not hugging. He's desperately restraining. He's smiling because he read somewhere that if you die with a smile, Anubis gives your heart a little extra weight.

Beth Wilkins Bowman said...

and who's the dork? :oP