Saturday, May 12, 2007


Sorry for my lack of postage lately. I didn't have internet at my new place until thursday, AND for some reason the internet we do have doesn't want to work with my computer. SO thats been making things difficult.
I'm home for the weekend before spending some much needed time at my friend Gavin's cabin on the James. I can't explain how much I missed the mountains. I hadn't been home since school ended and as I came over Afton today and saw the blueridge in all its glory, I just about cried. I really can't explain it. It's like all my stress and worries just disappear when I am here. I feel like I am my better self. Anywho, before I get to in depth, I'm going to go pass out and fall asleep. I would like to apologize for my general lack of communication with both of you, and Lori. The past couple of weeks have just been insane. I love you

1 comment:

Benjamin Wilkins said...

I had the same feeling driving home this weekend. Once I saw the mountains I was overwhelmed with Virginia pride. There are more breathtaking sites than the blueridge, but nothing else feels like home.